Joseph Paquet Studio
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Joseph Paquet painting Studio Joseph Paquet lecture in his studio

Oil Painting Studio Class - Spring 2025

This semester I will be offering 2 Studio Classes

Both classes are SOLD OUT
Thursday Afternoon Studio Class
Thursday Evening Studio Class

11 Week Semester $800

Classes will be held on the following dates:
Feb: 6, 13, 20, 27
Mar: 6, 13, 20, 27
April: 17, 24
May: 1

Classes fill quickly (I cannot hold a spot for anyone) so don’t wait to register if you are interested. Registration forms must be completed in full and accompanied by a check to reserve your position in class.

Registration Form and Supply Lists available here.

Payment via Cash, Check, Venmo or PayPal
If by Check, post date to Jan 1st, 2025 and make payment to:
Joseph Paquet Studio, LLC

Mail to:
Joe Paquet Studio
308 Prince St. #234
St.Paul, MN 55101

Thank You!
If you have any questions please call: (651) 485-5807

Studio Painting Class Description

Take your work to another level. This course will focus on crafting studio works from studies or photos. Understand what makes a fully-rounded conception of a painting. Emphasis will be placed on practical pictorial construction and memory training.

Teaching Philosophy

The evening classes have always been away to give back and make valuable information available to all those who are out there working. It is my thank you to John Osborne and his Thursday night class.
I was working full time then and if it were not for that class, I wouldn't be doing this now.
As a student you can simply take a class or get comprehensive training: it is wholly up to you.
My unintentional demographic has chiefly been men & women over 40 who take their time seriously and in turn are taken seriously.

I believe an evening working toward what you love can be great.
It requires work, introspection and a willingness to refine weaknesses and admittedly I raise a high bar.
The results speak for themselves; regular folks who have worked in other careers have gone out to win awards in major Plein Air events across the country, had feature articles in national magazines or simply done work far beyond what they thought possible.

One of the most rewarding aspects however has been the friendships that have formed and the community which has been built — kindred spirits and lifelong connections.

We all have something grand inside us and a unique voice to say it with.
My job is to help you connect those two things — its something we do together.

In my book, an artist is something one aspires to; not something one already "is."
If you want to see what you are capable of, this is a good place to try.

And I love my job.

Class Policies

Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Class Registration

Class registration may be done over the phone, accompanied by payment via the mail. The deadline for registration and payment will be two weeks prior to the first day of the term, or until full.


If a class is cancelled for any reason, there will be a full refund of your tuition. We reserve the right to use a substitute instructor if necessary. If you decide to cancel a class(es), we will refund your tuition payment, provided you notify us 2 weeks prior to the inception of the term. After this date no refunds will be given, but you may apply your tuition to another class within the current term. Also, there is no refund or credit given for any absences which occur in the course of the term.

Classroom Etiquette
All Students will be expected to respect the following:

  • Keep classroom areas clean and neat
  • Keep conversation to a minimum within the class studio
  • No cellular phones in class, beepers on vibrate only
  • No incoming personal phone calls taken during class hours